Ocean Grazer success at CES2022
Congratulations to team Ocean Grazer! In addition to many interested investors, the Ocean Battery technology is winner of the CES 2022 Innovation Award Honoree in the category Sustainability, Eco-Design & Smart Energy. ENTEG is very proud to see what the team has achieved since they started their company back in 2018 based on research done in our institute.
Ocean grazer
The Ocean Battery by Ocean Grazer is designed to lower the cost of an offshore power grid. The battery can store energy produced by wind turbines and floating solar farms at sea. The goal is to reduce local peak loads and match supply and demand. The system is based on hydro dam technology and uses clean water as the energy carrier.
The Ocean Battery attracted much media attention during the CES 2022. Some links:
- https://www.rtvnoord.nl/nieuws/886301/investeerders-staan-in-las-vegas-in-de-rij-voor-groningse-slimmeriken (Dutch)
- https://www.kijkmagazine.nl/tech/ocean-battery-slaat-energie-op-oceaanbodem-op/ (Dutch)
- https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ocean-battery-spider-go-drone-and-digital-radar-system-stand-out-in-high-tech-ces-2022-awards/
- https://www.ibtimes.com/ces-2022-ocean-battery-solves-problem-excess-green-energy-3368051
- https://cleantechnica.com/2022/01/07/the-latest-energy-storage-gizmo-is-an-ocean-battery-with-a-bladder/
- https://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/tb/stories/blog/40612
- https://swzmaritime.nl/news/2022/01/06/ocean-battery-can-tackle-fluctuations-in-renewable-energy-production/
- https://macprotricks.com/the-latest-energy-storage-gizmo-is-an-ocean-battery/
- https://www.startus-insights.com/innovators-guide/discover-5-top-startups-developing-modular-energy-systems/
- https://kalkinemedia.com/uk/stocks/financial/should-you-buy-these-2-renewable-energy-investment-stocks
- https://elperiodicodelaenergia.com/ocean-battery-el-nuevo-sistema-de-almacenamiento-por-bombeo-para-eolica-marina/
- https://www.tecmundo.com.br/mercado/231625-veja-lista-vencedores-ces-2022-innovation-awards.htm
- https://www.oezratty.net/wordpress/2022/innovation-incrementale-ces-2022/
Last modified: | 14 January 2022 4.55 p.m. |
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