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Research PhD courses

Registration and Cancellation

To register for a course, you should make use of the online registration form that is associated with each course on the RSEE website.

After you submitted an online registration form, an automated confirmation of registration will be sent to each participant by electronic mail. Please contact the coordinator if you encounter any problems. If you try to register for a course that is already oversigned, you will be informed about this. In that case, you will be asked whether you want to be added to the waiting list of the course.

After registration, you will receive an invoice from the research school for the course fee and other costs involved with course attendance. Although RSEE is a local research school, many collaborations with other (inter)national research groups and schools are ongoing. In many instances this means students are charged a reduced course fee as their research school shares in the costs of organizing the course. Many PhD students will have an annual budget, made available to them by their research school for participation in post-graduate courses. For making use of this budget, you should ask your supervisor about the local rules that have to be followed. It is important to provide all necessary information to be included on the invoice for your particular school.

Cancellation or modification of participation in a course is only possible after first having consulted with the PhD supervisor and/or the mentor. If the supervisor agrees, the RSEE coordinator or secretary should be informed about cancellation at the earliest convenience (preferably by email). You will then be informed about whether any cancellation fee is being charged. No fee will be charged if a participant cancels 20 or more working days prior to the start of a course. In case of later cancellation, an administration fee has to be paid. If cancellation takes place 10 to 20 working days prior to the course, the cancellation fee is 50% of the course fee. In other words, only 50% of the course fee will be refunded in this case. No refunding is possible if cancellation takes place within 10 working days prior to the start of a course.

Last modified:24 May 2024 09.42 a.m.