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Research Department of Sociology

Colloquia department of Sociology

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External colloqium with Marie Labussière (UvA)

Date: November 28th, 2024 Location: B0.128 (Gadourek room, Bouman building) Time: 14:00 - 15:30h

External colloqium with Prof. Hang Xiong (Huazhong Agricultural University, China)

Date: December 3rd, 2024 Location: M0.074 (Snijders room, Munting building) Time: 14:00 - 15:30h

Title: Policy evaluation with agent-based modelling

Abstract: Agent-based modelling (ABM) is a powerful tool for evaluating policies by considering the interdependence and interactions between individuals. Policy evaluation with ABM involves running simulation over a large number of population or scaling up simulation outcomes at the individual level to the regional level, which are both challenging. In this presentation, I will show two practices in evaluating agricultural policies. The agent-based model used in the evaluation is a modular model that simulates individuals’ decision-making by integrating factors in economic, social and cognitive dimensions.

Internal and external colloquia 2024 - 2025

During each Internal Colloquium one of our research clusters will present its current research and future plans.

The External Colloquia are held by invited external scientists.

Internal colloquia 2024 - 2025

During each colloquium, one of the research clusters will give an update on current research and present plans for future research.

The colloquia are planed on:

14 Nov 2024
cluster head: D.R. Veenstra
27 Feb 2025
cluster head: A. Flache
10 April 2025
cluster head: B. Bilecen
15 May 2025
cluster head: R.P.M. Wittek
22 May 2025
cluster head: M.A.J. van Duijn

Last modified:18 October 2024 11.28 a.m.
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