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Research Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG)

Linguistics Lunch 2022

Monthly on Thursday, 12.00-12.45:

Usually hosted in Collaboratory A in the Harmony Building

  • 12.15 - 12.30: Presentation 1
  • 12.30 - 12.45: Presentation 2

An overview of the 2022 Linguistics Lunches can be found below: 

Speaker & Title of presentation
24 March 2022

Zoe Wang (Neurolinguistics and Language Development): Multilingualism in Crisis Communication: Use of Minority Languages in COVID-19 Awareness Campaigns in the Netherlands

May Wu (Neurolinguistics and Language Development): The Reliability of CAF Measures in L2 English Speaking

30 September 2022

Daan van Soeren (Theoretical and Empirical Linguistics): Words like 'ball', 'man' and 'pepper' are clear and easy! How communicative efficiency can explain the distribution of labials and coronals"

Junyao Zhang: How personality traits mediate the Intercultural Competence development of high school students in virtual exchange programme

20 October 2022

Gabriele Sarti (Computational Linguistics): Towards User-centric Interpretability of NLP Models

Defne Abur (Neurolinguistics and Language Development): How speech motor control is a unique lens into the etiology of Parkinson's disease

24 November 2022

Maciej Grzenkowicz (Discourse and Communication): Towards a framework for the multimodal analysis of TikTok videos

Federico Pianzola (Computational Linguistics): Graphs and Ontologies for Literary Evolution Models (GOLEM)

15 December 2022

Andreas Hiemstra (Neurolinguistics and Language Development):Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch

Lourens Visser (Theoretical and Emperical Linguistics): TBA

Last modified:14 November 2022 3.03 p.m.