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Research Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG) Sociolinguistics Circle 2024

Call for Papers

We invite abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the 10th edition of the Sociolinguistics Circle, to be held in Groningen on 19 April 2024. (Informal get-together in the evening of the 18th.)

Contributions should deal with topics in sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, dialectology, variationist linguistics, or related disciplines. We welcome submissions from scholars with a connection to the Low Countries and/or on topics relevant to language varieties used in the Low Countries.

Abstracts should be submitted through the form below before 12 January 2024. They should be between 300 and 500 words, not including references. Abstracts should be submitted as plain text and should be anonymised.  Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts, at most one of which may be sole- or first-authored. The review committee will select two abstracts as plenary talks.

Contributions can be submitted in Dutch or English. Given the Sociolinguistics Circle’s orientation to the Low Countries, we would like to emphasise that contributions in Dutch are warmly welcomed. We encourage all speakers to briefly reflect on their positionality regarding the research topic as part of their presentation.

All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by the organising committee.

We aim to decide on acceptance before 16 February 2024.