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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization
Header image The Religion Factor

Religious authority and new media culture

Date:13 March 2013

The internet holds great potential for communication and creativity within religious communities, but brings with it new challenges for religious authorities. This was the central theme of a guest lecture given by Dr. Heidi Campbell,  at the Faculty of...

Securitizing Religious Violence: the Cases of Mali and Syria – Part Two

Date:11 March 2013

Suzanne Klein Schaarsberg  continues her exploration of the securitization of religion in the conflicts in Mali and Syria.

Securitizing Religious Violence: the Cases of Mali and Syria – Part One

Date:07 March 2013

Yesterday French President Francois Hollande announced that French troops will begin withdrawing from Mali in April, instead of March, as originally planned.  Suzanne Klein Schaarsberg  explores how religion, particularly religious violence, has been...

“More than Belief” – Exploring the sensory side of religion

Date:04 March 2013

Alexandra Grieser discusses new research approaches in the aesthetics of religion, being showcased at a conference held in Groningen later this week.

Stories about HIV/AIDS and Religion

Date:26 February 2013
Author:Kim Knibbe
Is HIV/AIDS mainly a medical problem, a spiritual problem, a political problem or all of the above? The answer to this question determines to a very large extent how people and organizations deal with HIV/AIDS.

Religious or political? Or both? Religious rituals as political activism

Date:19 February 2013
Author:Religion Factor
Today’s post from Erin Wilson continues some reflections on fasting from last week, asking whether fasting is just religious or political or if in fact sometimes it can be both.

De groene daden van paus Benedictus XVI

Date:13 February 2013
Author:Maria Vliek
Paus Benedictus XVI is in veel kringen niet populair vanwege zijn conservatieve standpunten over bijvoorbeeld homoseksualiteit. Maar Benedictus werd ook wel de “groene paus” genoemd. Zowel in woord als daad deed hij verschillende groene dingen.

Het nieuwe vasten: 40 dagen zonder vlees

Date:13 February 2013
Author:Maria Vliek
Vandaag begint officieel de Vastentijd, de periode van 40 dagen voor Pasen waarin christenen het lijden van Jezus Christus herdenken. Het is een sobere periode, waarin veel christenen vasten: ze eten geen snoep en andere lekkernijen of eten minder. Maar de vastentijd krijgt tegenwoordig een andere, meer seculiere invulling.

Catharijneconvent niet alleen van een object, maar ook van een verhaal beroofd

Date:12 February 2013
Author:Religion Factor
Amper drie maanden na de spraakmakende verdwijning van zeven kostbare schilderijen uit de Rotterdamse Kunsthal berichtten de media opnieuw over een omvangrijke roof uit een Nederlands museum.

Youth Peacebuilding in contexts of religious violence

Date:04 February 2013
Author:Religion Factor
Religion and the contributions of youth are two topics that tend to be neglected when we think about peacebuilding. In this post, Erik Meinema reflects on his experiences conducting research on these important issues.