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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization
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Dead Sea scrolls on exhibition in Assen

Date:16 July 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Recently, a unique exhibition on the dead sea scrolls has opened in the Drents Museum in Assen, the Netherlands. The exhibition is curated by prof. Dr. Mladen Popovic, director of the Qumran institute in Groningen.

Humanities: down to business?

Date:05 July 2013
Author:Religion Factor

In this post, Elske Kroondijk and Erik Meinema consider the increasing influence of market discourses on academic practice, and reflect on the question how scholars and students in the Humanities can engage with this development. 

Koran & Bijbel weg uit de Tweede Kamer? De misvattingen rondom de Scheiding tussen Kerk en Staat uitgelicht.

Date:04 July 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Naar aanleiding van de ophef omtrent het verzoek van Tweede Kamer voorzitter Van Miltenburg om de Heilige Geschriften uit de Kamer te laten verwijderen, licht Carine Nijenhuis enkele misvattingen uit rondom de Scheiding tussen Kerk en Staat.

Allergic Reaction to “The Religious Other” or just a Neurobiological Fact?

Date:25 June 2013
Author:Religion Factor

Neurobiology, Social influence and its impact on our capacity to empathize.

Religion and Gay Marriage Opposition in France

Date:24 May 2013
Author:Religion Factor

This week, French President Francois Hollande signed into law legislation that allows for same sex marriage and child adoption by gay couples. With this act, France became the 14th country in the world recognizing these rights.  Yet, the process has been...

Saving lives – but which ones? Life, belonging and postsecular possibilities in contemporary asylum politics

Date:23 May 2013
Author:Religion Factor

In today’s post, Erin Wilson reflects on the recent decision by the Australian parliament to excise its territory from its migration zone, what this means for how we value life, how we belong and how both religious and secular perspectives can help us...

Dwars Herdenken

Date:03 May 2013

Ter gelegenheid van de herdenking van de salchtoffers van de Tweede Wereldoorlog morgen, schrijft Tsila Rädecker over de controversiële Joodse historicus uit Groningen, Jaap Meijer.

Bij gratie Gods: zal onze nieuwe Koning straks regeren met goddelijke zegen?

Date:23 April 2013

Over precies een week zal Koningin Beatrix haar ambt neerleggen om te worden opgevolgd door haar zoon, Prins Willem Alexander. De inhuldiging is overal onderwerp van discussie; moet het koningslied blijven of niet? Wat zal Máxima aan doen? Eén aspect...

Spring cleaning religiously: From blessing your home to unf*cking your habitat

Date:18 April 2013

Spring seems to have finally arrived in Europe and naturally many people’s thoughts turn to the need to “spring clean”. But these days it’s not just about spring cleaning your house, but spring cleaning your life. Kim Knibbe explores all the ways in which...

Order, justice and extremism: Martin Luther King, Jr and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” 50 years on

Date:16 April 2013

Fifty years ago today, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. penned his now famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. On this anniversary, Erin Wilson reflects on what this important document can still teach us today.