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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Centre for Isotope Research - CIO Research

Fundamental science research for applications of micro- and macro-algae


Micro-algae and macro-algae (seaweeds) form the basis of almost all marine food webs. There are over 10,000 species of algae known. All these organisms use solar radiation for the production of organic compounds (marine plant biomass). Algae can be used for the production of carbohydrates, proteins, oil or pharmaceutical products. However, the biochemical composition of algae differs between species and is strongly dependent on the growth conditions. At the CIO Oceans department, together with the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, department Estuarine and Delta Systems (EDS), NIOZ-Yerseke, we want to further develop fundamental and innovative applied knowledge of marine plant organisms, and to make this knowledge available to businesses for the production of, for example, food feed and energy. The research goes from physiology (e.g. nutrient uptake kinetics) via genetics (e.g. selective breeding of seaweeds) to ecology (e.g. carrying capacity of the natural marine ecosystem), often on close cooperation with companies.

Contact person

Prof. dr. K.R. (Klaas) Timmermans

Current projects

  • ValgOrize: Valorization of algae for a better taste (INTERREG 2 Seas programme, partners: NIOZ, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Zeewaar B.V., Saline Farming B.V., en Stichting Noordzeeboerderij)
  • NIOZ Seaweed Centre: experimental cultivation facility for seaweeds
  • FUCOS Kiem GoChem, Fucoxanthin extracts from seaweeds for bioactive cosmetic applications, in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool Zeeland
  • PhD project "Effects of temperature on Northsea seaweeds" by Xiaowei Ding, funded by CSC scholarship 2021-2025

Previous projects

Last modified:06 May 2024 11.02 a.m.