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Research Bernoulli Institute


In the recent 5 years, MAS group members have contributed to the following projects related to the Bernoulli themes Computing & Cognition and Systems, Data & Society:

Computing and Cognition

Systems, Data and Society

Social Cognition

This project is concerned with higher-order social reasoning. We investigate children’s development and adult’s limitations in reasoning about the mental states of other agents, including the representations that these agents have of other agents mental states. While computer programs can correctly apply any arbitrary amount of recursion, humans frequently lose track beyond second- or third-order social reasoning. To better understand the cognitive processes involved in higher-order social cognition we are using a close-knit combination of empirical research, logic, and computational modeling.

The project runs in the Bernouilli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Groningen thanks to Rineke’s Verbrugge NWO Vici grant 277-80-001.

See more information about this project on the Social Cognition website.

Last modified:04 July 2024 3.47 p.m.