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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

SCO Seminar - Dr. Tomas Meijer, Technical University Eindhoven

When:Tu 11-02-2025 14:00 - 15:00
Where:5161.0293 Bernoulliborg

Title: From a Frequency-Domain Willems' Lemma to Data-Driven Predictive Control


Willems' fundamental lemma has recently received an impressive amount of attention from the control community, and it has enabled many advances in data-driven control. In this work, we formulate a version of this celebrated result based on frequency-domain data. By doing so, we bridge the gap between recent developments in data-driven control and the readily-available techniques and extensive expertise for non-parametric frequency-domain identification in academia and industry. Building on this result, we propose a data-driven predictive control scheme that also uses frequency-domain data of the plant. We demonstrate several benefits of this frequency-domain data-driven predictive control (FreePC) scheme and the use of frequency-domain data in general in a numerical case study. These benefits include the ability to easily collect and process data in a closed loop with a pre-stabilizing controller, reducing the effect of noise by conducting longer experiments without increasing computational complexity, and intuitively visualizing uncertainty in the data.

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