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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science - Dr. ir. R.M. Dijkman Eindhoven University

When:Mo 16-03-2020 15:15 - 15:30
Where:5161.0267 Bernoulliborg

Title: The Value of Information in Business Process Optimization


Business process optimization is the re-design of a business process in such a way that it becomes optimal in some respect. Typically it concerns minimizing costs, while meeting constraints in other relevant dimensions, such as the completion time of cases, the quality of the end result, or the customer satisfaction. Information plays an important role in business process optimization: if more information is available on how a business process behaves in particular cases, better results can be reached. In this presentation, I will present a framework for using information to optimize business processes as well as concrete results that have been achieved with that framework. Concrete results include optimization of processes for airplane engine maintenance, hinterland transportation, and loan application.

Short Bio:

Remco Dijkman is an Associate Professor in Information Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology. His key area of research is Business Process Engineering. Remco obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Twente and is known for his research on business process similarity. Currently, Remco is lead investigator in the ISOLA and IToPP research projects, and participant in the FENIX and DATAS projects, all of which focus on optimization of business processes in logistics.

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