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Research Bernoulli Institute Calendar

Colloquium Computer Science, Dr. C. Neocleous (Technical University Cyprus) and Prof. C. Schizas (University Cyprus)

When:We 17-01-2018 15:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg)

Dr. C. Neocleous:

Title:    A fuzzy cognitive map model of macroeconomic and social parameters that influence a currency rating


The most important macroeconomic and social factors that influence the long-term currency value are identified and weighted. These are used to build a fuzzy cognitive map model that may be used to study the degree of importance of a parameter variation on the future value of the currency. 20 parameters were used to build the dynamical system. The factors and their effects are relative to the size of the country, the size of the economy and the historical strength of the currency.

The macroeconomic factors that are used are: Inflation; Interest rate; Gross domestic product; Capital flow; Recession; Economic stability; Government debt; Consumer confidence; Durable goods sales; Employment.

The sociopolitical factors that are used are: Rumors of currency improvement; Political turmoil-instability; Financial crisis.

Other rare but crucial factors that are used are: War; Severe terrorist action; Major earthquake; Major flood; Major avalanche; Major tsunami.

Prof. Christos Schizas :

Title:    National Healthcare Ecosystem based on eHealth


The European Union (EU)’s keen concern about citizens’ Health and Wellbeing protection and advancement has been expressed at all levels. It has been understood, however, that at present it can only be achieved through coordinated actions at the individual member States’ level based on EU directives, as well as through promoting and funding quadruple helix R&D and expanding use of e-Health technologies. Despite diversities and particularities among member states, common values such as universal access to good quality care, equity and solidarity have been widely accepted across Europe, that leading to adopt policies and streamline actions to bridge Healthcare gap, cross-border Healthcare directive being an illustrative example.

A recommendations’ framework is attempted for implementing a global national health system, based on interoperable Electronic Health Record (EHR) with safeguarding healthcare quality, enabling quadruple helix driven R&D and guided by a patient centered approach. The methodology to develop an integrated EHR at National level, as a prerequisite for eHealth is put in perspective. Recommendations for the steps needed from the managerial, legal, technical and financial perspective in developing such a global, open access, patient-centered national healthcare system based on the particularities of a country are also given.

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