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Research Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences Organisation

BCN Dissertations / PhD theses 2021

Electrically induced neuroplasticity
Nuninga, J. (Jasper) January 4, 2021

Tinnitus & cochlear implants
Kloostra, F. (Francka) January 25, 2021  

Distinguishing a phonological encoding disorder from Apraxia of Speech in individuals with aphasia by using EEG
Hollander, J. (Jakolien) January 26, 2021              

Innate immune memory and transcriptional profiling of microglia
Heng, Y. (Yang) February 10, 2021

Pinging the brain to reveal hidden working memory states
Wolff, M. (Michael) February 18, 2021

Detection of autism in childhood
Hof, M. (Maarten) March 8, 2021            

Time, tone and the brain: behavioral and neurophysiological studies on time reference and grammatical tone in Akan
Tsiwah, F. (Frank) March 11, 2021                           

Language impairments and resting-state EEG in brain tumour patients
Wolthuis, N. (Nienke) March 11, 2021   

A unified view of lateralized vision
Brederoo, S. (Sanne) April 1, 2021 

Neurolinguistic studies on the linguistic expression of time reference in Thai
Siriboonpipattana, W. (Wilasinee) April 8, 2021                

Biological interactions in depression: insights from preclinical studies
Moraga Amaro, R. (Rodrigo) April 19, 2021         

Regional diversity in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells: implications for remyelination in grey and white matter
Lentferink, D. (Dennis) April 21, 2021                    

Bilateral neural correlates of treatment-induced changes in chronic aphasia
Averina , S. (Svetlana) April 22, 2021                       

Computer programming skills: a cognitive perspective
Graafsma, I. (Irene) April 29, 2021                           

Idioms in the aging brain
la Roi, A. (Amélie) May 3, 2021

The impact of genotoxic stress on protein homeostasis
Huiting, W. (Wouter) May 10, 2021        

An investigation of the leading theories behind glaucoma: a case for looking beyond the eye
Loiselle, A. (Allison) May 10, 2021           

Exploring the VISTA of glial cells 
Borggrewe, M. (Malte) May 12, 2021     

Adaptive deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease and dystonia  
Piña Fuentes, D. (Dan) May 17, 2021 

Time will tell: sluggish cognitive tempo, attention and timing functioning in adults Toussaint, K. (Kathi) June 17, 2021 

Detecting mind-wandering with machine learning  
Jin, C. (Christina) June 18, 2021 

Passive digital phenotyping  
Jongs, N. (Niels) June 18, 2021 

Discovering circadian clocks in microbes  
Bosman, J. (Jasper) June 21, 2021 

Agreement processing in Dutch adults with dyslexia  
Salčić, A. (Aida) June 24, 2021 

Neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to studying tense, aspect, and unaccusativity  
Čordalija, N. (Nermina) June 29, 2021 

The clinical presentation, neurocognition and neural correlates of children with a tic disorder  
Openneer, T. (Thaïra) July 6, 2021 

Cognitive pathology in Parkinson's disease  
Zee, S. van der, (Sygrid) July 7, 2021 

Grasping light  
Lok, R. (Renske) July 9, 2021 

Neuroimaging correlates of hearing loss, tinnitus, and hyperacusis  
Koops, E. A. (Elouise Alexandra) August 23, 2021 

Bilingualism and contact-induced language change  
Reitsma, L. (Liefke) August 26, 2021 

Exploring novel strategies to rescue coenzyme A deficiency-related diseases in Drosophila melanogaster models  
Yu, Y. (Yi) September 1, 2021 

Photoperiodism in voles  
Rosmalen, L. (Laura) September 10, 2021 

Monitoring the function of the P-glycoprotein transporter at the blood brain barrier  
Garcia Varela, L. (Lara) September 13, 2021 

Ambitionz az a ridah  
Gilbers, S. (Steven) September 13, 2021 

Anosognosia of memory deficits in dementia  
Mondragon Uribe, J. (Jaime) September 15, 2021 

Brain network signatures of depressive symptoms  
Alonso Martínez, S. (Sonsoles) September 22, 2021 

Can hormones get you down?  
Wit, A. (Anouk) September 22, 2021 

From voice to speech  
Nagels, L. (Leanne) September 23, 2021 

Understanding hallucinations outside the context of psychotic disorders  
Linszen, M. (Mascha) September 27, 2021 

Keeping track of emotions  
Boer, M. (Minke) October 13, 2021 

Advancing the age of cycling  
Westerhuis, F. (Frank) October 14, 2021 

Cortical synchrony across cognitive processing stages  
Portolés Marín, O. (Oscar) October 15, 2021 

The role of the placenta in transmitting disturbed serotonin levels from the maternal environment  
Staal, L. (Laura) October 22, 2021 

Connections between social stress, immune dysregulation and psychosis  
Counotte, J. (Jacqueline) October 25, 2021 

Ataxia and dystonia: from individual genes to networks and disease mechanisms  
Huang, M. (Miaozhen) October 25, 2021 

Home-based behavioral parent training for children with ADHD  
Nobel, E. (Ellen) October 27, 2021 

Looking at possibilities  
Wessels, M. (Marleen) October 28, 2021 

Effects of laboratory housing conditions on neurobiology of energy balance in mice  
Karapetsas, G. (Giorgio) October 29, 2021 

A computational view of the brain plasticity at rest  
Invernizzi, A. (Azzurra) November 1, 2021 

Insulin signaling and microglia in the young and aged brain  
Branco Haas, C. (Clarissa) November 3, 2021 

Studies on sleep patterns and sleep homeostasis in birds  
Hasselt, S. (Sjoerd) November 5, 2021 

Genetic and environmental correlates of Tourette Syndrome  
Abdulkadir, M. (Mohamed) November 8, 2021 

On the role of galectin-4 in (re)myelination and multiple sclerosis  
Jong, C. (Charlotte) November 8, 2021 

Eye movement behaviour of patients with visual field defects  
Gestefeld, B. (Birte) November 10, 2021 

The impact of dyslexia in higher education 
Rouweler, L. (Liset) November 18, 2021 

Towards genetic screening for glaucoma  
Neustaeter, A. (Anna) November 23, 2021 

Arm swing in healthy and Parkinsonian gait  
Weersink, J. (Joyce) November 24, 2021 

The key to mental fatigue  
Jong, M. (Marlon) November 25, 2021 

Visual pathway white matter alterations in glaucoma  
Haykal, S. (Shereif) November 30, 2021 

Hemodynamics in the circle of Willis and prognostic factors in subarachnoid hemorrhage  
Shen, Y. (Yuanyuan) December 1, 2021 

A transdiagnostic comparison of hallucinations  
Schutte, M. (Maya) December 14, 2021 

Dealing with perimetric variability in clinical glaucoma care  
Junoy Montolio, F. (Francisco) December 15, 2021 

Effectiveness of social skills training for children with autism spectrum disorder
Dekker, V. (Vera) December 17, 2021

Quantification methods for brain imaging with novel and repurposed PET tracers
Ghazanfari, N. (Nafiseh) December 23, 2021

Also see:

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2024

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2023

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2022

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2020

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2019

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2018

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2017

BCN dissertations / PhD theses 2016

Last modified:04 March 2025 5.08 p.m.