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Research Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences News


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Book Iris Sommer
Book Iris Sommer
Book Maurits and Curcic-Blake
Book Maurits and Curcic-Blake
Book Andre Aleman
Book Andre Aleman
  • When do you do your best work?
    Interview with retired professor of chronobiology and BCN researcher Domien Beersma
    (UK Magazine - January 18th, 2017)

(bron: NWO, 5 February 2013)

(Press release ERC, 15 January 2013)

(Polsslag 11 - 29 nov 2012)

  • 25 years of BCN - Jubilee symposium
    On Friday, November 2nd, 2012 the Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences celebrated its 25th anniversary. Also see: BCN Jubilee Newsletter (November 2012)
  • -BCN receives a grant of € 800.000,-
    BCN receives a grant of € 800.000,- from the Graduate Programme of NWO
  • Moeilijke tijden voor modellen van taalbegrip
    Het is eigenlijk een wonder: de werking van je hersenen tijdens het begrijpen van taal is te meten op je hoofd in de vorm van uiterst zwakke elektrische signalen op de hoofdhuid. Als de zin ‘Jan besmeerde zijn brood met...’ wordt afgemaakt met het woord ‘sokken’, zorgt dat bij de lezer voor een zogenaamde N400. Dat is een negatieve piek in het signaal die optreedt 400 milliseconden nadat de lezer ‘sokken’ heeft gezien. De meeste onderzoekers denken dat deze N400 een maat is voor het gemak waarmee een zin begrepen wordt. Harm Brouwer laat in een artikel in Brain Research zien dat deze lezing fout is. Ten minste vijf modellen van taalbegrip zullen daardoor vrijwel zeker het veld moeten ruimen.
    More info: 'Moeilijke tijden voor modellen van taalbegrip' (website RUG)
  • André Aleman and Peter de Jonge awarded prestigious VICI grant
    Prof. Dr. André Aleman (dept. of Neuroscience, UMCG/UG) and Prof. Dr. Peter de Jonge (University Center of Psychiatry, UMCG), both members/PI's of the Research Institute BCN-BRAIN (UMCG), were awarded  the highly prestigious VICI grant (1.500.000 euro) by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). VICI grants are awarded to outstanding experienced researchers who have successfully developed a new, innovative line of research and thus a prominent research position on national and international level.
    More info: 'Twee onderzoekers UMCG krijgen Vici-subsidie NWO' (website UMCG)
  • Deniz Bașkent appointed adjunct professor of Auditory Perception
    On December 1, 2011, Ms. D. Bașkent was appointed adjunct professor of Auditory Perception at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). Bașkent will study the auditory perception of people with normal and impaired hearing capacities. This research is part of UMCG’s research focus Healthy Ageing.
    Deniz Bașkent (Turkije, 1973) studied Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. She did her PhD research at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, United States. In 2003 she defended her thesis entitled “Speech recognition under conditions of frequency-place compression and expansion”. She continued her scientific career as a research scientist at the Starkey Hearing Research Center in Berkeley in the United States. In 2009 Bașkent was appointed as a Rosalind Franklin Research Fellow at the UMCG.
  • Cognitive Neurosciences thesis award for Barbara Nordhjem
    Barbara Nordhjem, who recently started her PhD research at the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology, has won the annual “Cognitive Neurosciences” thesis award 2011. Her thesis “Bistable Perception of Ambiguous Figures” was ranked as the best Dutch master thesis written in 2010/2011 in the field of cognitive neuroscience. The jury, comprising Prof. P. Levelt, Prof. H. Swaab and Prof. F. Verstraten, complimented it for its focussed and theoretically interesting question, clever design, careful analyses and interesting findings.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, © BCN/BCN-BRAIN, 2011
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, © BCN/BCN-BRAIN, 2011
- DONDERS Theme Meetings ‘Nijmegen meets Groningen day’

Thursday October 20th, 2011 the Donders Institute, Nijmegen, organized a joint DONDERS Theme Meeting with researchers from the Research School BCN, Groningen. During three different sessions, ‘Brain networks and neuronal communication’, ‘Perception, Action and Control’ and ‘Learning, Memory and Plasticity’ sixteen researchers presented an overview of research taking place in their departments. The meeting was organized in the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.

By organizing joint meetings both the Donders Institute and Research School BCN hope to boost exchange of knowledge and stimulate collaborations between researchers of the Donders Institute and Research School BCN.

Book Natasha Maurits
Book Natasha Maurits
Book Andre Aleman
Book Andre Aleman

- Hersenspinsels

Andre Aleman

Book Fred Keijzer
Book Fred Keijzer
Book Christian Keysers
Book Christian Keysers

- The Empathic Brain

Christian Keysers

Last modified:02 December 2024 3.11 p.m.