
The Research School BCN offers excellent master and PhD students a stimulating environment and an integrated program of education, research training and research projects both at master and PhD level.
The BCN Research Master Behavioural & Cognitive Neurosciences is an interactive Research Master programme that offers a unique chance of a truely multidisciplinary education, while becoming an expert in one specialistic track. The programme concentrates on three focal and closely related areas of particular strength within Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN). The programme is taught in English by an international consortium of teachers, many of them being internationally acknowledged. BCN graduates will be internationally competitive, and well equipped to obtain PhD, postdoctoral and societal positions.
Also see: Research Master Programme
The BCN PhD Training and Education programme educates PhD students to become independent highly qualified researchers in the field of behavioural and cognitive neurosciences. After obtaining their PhD graduates should be able to communicate and cooperate with neuroscience researchers with different backgrounds. The programme provides PhD students with the tools to do this while providing specialisation in one specific field chosen by the PhD student him-/herself.
Also see: PhD Training Programme

Last modified: | 22 June 2023 1.46 p.m. |