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Research Arctic Centre

Arctic Centre Seminar

The Role of States in the Legal Protection of Antarctica
21 November 2023

When: Wednesday 06-12-2023 13:00 - 15:00

Where: Room 1313.0309 (Harmonie Building)


We would like to invite you to this seminar on The Role of States in the Legal Protection of Antarctica.


13:00 - 13:10

Opening by Kees Bastmeijer

13:10 - 13:40

Presentation Jurisdictional scope in the Antarctic Treaty System and in Contracting Parties' domestic implementation of the Environmental Protocol by Elena-Laura Alvarez Ortega

13:40 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:30

Presentation A look inside: domestic features and the implementation of human and environmental risk measures in European Antarctic Treaty Parties’ by Daniela Portella Sampaio

14:30 - 14:50


14:50 - 15:00

Ideas for further research & cooperation



Kees Bastmeijer is a professor in Arctic and Antrctic Studies and the director of the Arctic Centre at the University of Groningen. His research focuses on Polar Law and the role of international, European, and domestic law in protecting nature. He has a special interest in the legal developments relating to the Polar Regions (the Antarctic and the Arctic).

Elena-Laura Alvarez Ortega is a PhD Candidate at the Arctic Centre (University of Groningen). She is currently working on Theme 3 of ProAct. ProAct stands for 'Proactive Management of Antarctic Tourism: Exploring the Role of ATS Principles and Values and Best Practices Beyond the ATS'. ProAct is a joint project in which researchers from Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research are also involved, and is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Elena's PhD project concerns legal research and focuses on jurisdictional issues in relation to Antarctic tourism. Her research project aims to develop a (comparative) legal analysis of the jurisdictional scope of the domestic implementing legislation of all Contracting Parties to the Environmental Protocol, to ascertain the Parties’ (collective) reach in terms of jurisdiction over Antarctic tourism activities, to identify any shortcomings, and to suggest policy recommendations.

Daniela Portella Sampaio With a PhD in International Relations (Universidade de São Paulo) in 2017, Daniela has been researching the Antarctic Treaty since 2011, developing her expertise in environmental governance. After an internship at the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat in 2015, she has been working as a Secretariat Advisor for Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings, supporting decision making in diplomatic meetings. In late 2019, she concluded a Marie Curie Research Fellowship at the University of Leeds, being a finalist at the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Awards in the category ‘Scientific Careers for Policy-Making’. In 2021, she was a Research Associate at the Bielefeld University, working in the project The Worldviews of Ice - Constructions of the Arctic at the Science/Politics Interface (funded by the DFG). Currently, she is in her second Marie Curie Research Fellowship, at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, with the project: A look inside: domestic features and the implementation of human and environmental risk measures in European Antarctic Treaty Parties (POLARPOL).

Photo: Frits Steenhuisen
Photo: Frits Steenhuisen
Last modified:28 November 2023 10.27 a.m.
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