Komende lezingen

Next IMAKA lecture by dr. Andrey Todorov will be on January 27 at 19.30 local time.
The language is English.
Titel; "International Law in the Arctic: interplay of global, regional and national legal regimes".
About the lecturer; Andrey Todorov, PhD, is researcher at The Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) at Utrecht University. For more than a decade, he has been studying the Arctic issues with a focus on Arctic Ocean governance, regulation of polar shipping, maritime disputes in the Arctic, etc.
Attention: the location of the IMAKA lecture is changed! The lecture will take place in the Marie Loke zaal in the Harmony Building (Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26, 9712 GR Groningen).
19:15 - welcome, coffee, thea
19:30 - first part
20:15 - short break
20:45 - second part
21:00 - questions
21:15 - end of event
In-person visitors do not need to register. They can simply show up at 19:15-19:30 at the Harmonie building, room 1315.0345 (the "Marie Loke zaal")
Online attendees please use this link: https://forms.gle/ZdqxataAbkxoBnaY6
Please register before 13:00 of the day of the lecture - late registrations may only receive the link a few minutes before the lecture starts.
In accordance with European DGPR (Dutch: AVG) legislation, we will remove your data within 2 weeks after the event.
€ 3 for physical attendees (includes coffee, tea and cookies) - paid at the entrance by transfer or cash
€ 2 for online attendees - payment information will be emailed with the Google Meet link that you will receive on 27 January
For students, we have a discount of € 1.
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Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 januari 2025 16:10 |