Become a member
Since OIKOS is a national research school that is recognized and accredited by the Research School Accreditation Committee (ECOS) of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW), it adheres to its criteria for membership of a national research school.
OIKOS distinguishes three types of membership:
- Full members (leden): Senior Members, Postdoctoral Researchers, PhD Students, and Research Master Students
- Associated members (geassocieerd leden): Associated Senior Members, Associated Postdoctoral Researchers, Associated PhD Students
- Interested Parties (belangstellenden)
Please check the requirements below before applying for membership!
Requirements for full members
Members of OIKOS are given priority in activities sponsored by the research school and for grants of the school. The following four groups of people qualify for full membership of OIKOS.
Only persons with a PhD degree who have an academic position at one of the seven universities which support OIKOS can apply for senior membership of OIKOS. They must have a publication record of at least two internationally accessible publications in the last three years. People with research time are expected to keep up a publication record of one internationally accessible publication for every 350 hours of research time per year. All full senior members are expected to be active in one or more of the research groups of OIKOS. Qualification for senior membership is checked through a submitted CV at the moment of application and every time the research school comes up for renewed accreditation. Senior members who retire or move to a different university can apply for associated membership, if they qualify, or for the status of interested person (belangstellende).
Postdoctoral researchers who hold a position at one of the seven universities that support OIKOS also qualify for membership of OIKOS. They must meet the same requirements as senior members, except that they are not held to the standard of one internationally accessible publication for every 350 hours of research time. Instead their research output should meet the requirements of their individual contracts. The moment these contracts expire, these researchers can apply for senior or associated membership, if they qualify, or for the status of interested person (belangstellende).
PhD students with a regular appointment ("binnenpromovendi") at one of the seven universities supporting OIKOS can apply for membership through their supervisor, who must write an e-mail to the OIKOS office. They pay a total of €1000,- in dues ("rugzakje") and follow courses of the OIKOS curriculum. They must also register with and be active in at least one of the research groups of OIKOS. The moment these students obtain their PhD degree, they can apply for (associated) membership, if they qualify, or the status of "interested person" (belangstellende).
For every student admitted to the OIKOS PhD programme, a Training and Supervision Plan (‘Opleidings- en Begeleidingsplan' or OBP) is laid down in writing. The OBP is established in collaboration with the student's supervisor and the university department where he/she is admitted. It records the courses to be followed by the student; both teaching provided by OIKOS and teaching provided by the student's own department are specified. Education or training provided by other research schools, and courses followed abroad may also be recorded in the OBP. In addition, if required by the institution where the student is admitted, teaching done by the student can be specified. PhD students are required to report annually on their progress.
As of January 1, 2011, students enrolled in a research master programme at one of the seven universities supporting OIKOS can become full members of the research school, following an agreement between LOGOS (association of national research schools in the Humanities) and the deans of the Dutch Faculties of Humanities. These students can register at their home institution, or apply by filling out the online application form (after which the OIKOS office will subsequently ask their home institutions for confirmation). Membership of OIKOS is free for students; their fees are paid directly to OIKOS by their own universities. Research master members must participate in the curriculum of the research school. They can also participate in the events of the research groups of OIKOS. The moment these students obtain their degree, they can apply for (associated) membership, if they qualify, or the status of "interested person" (belangstellende).
Requirements for associated members
OIKOS recognizes three groups of associated members (geassocieerd leden).
Senior associated members must fulfil the same requirements as regular senior members (see above), except that their position need not be at one of the seven universities supporting OIKOS. They also have to register with a research group and, whenever possible, should actively participate in them. Retired (full) members can become associated members as well, if they keep up a sufficient publication record and continue to participate actively in their OIKOS research groups.
Associated Postdoctoral Researchers must fulfil the same requirements as regular postdoctoral members (see above), except that their research position need not be at one of the seven universities supporting OIKOS. They also have to register with a research group and, whenever possible, should actively participate in them. After their postdoctoral appointment these persons can apply for (associated) membership, if they qualify, or the status of "interested person" (belangstellende).
PhD students who are pursuing their degree at a different university than the seven universities supporting OIKOS or who are registered with another national research school, and persons who pursue a PhD degree at their own expense ("buitenpromovendi") can apply for associated membership of OIKOS through their supervisor, who must write an e-mail to the OIKOS office. They pay no dues and can participate in OIKOS activities when and where the programme allows it: (full) members are given priority. Like the regular PhD members, they must enrol in one of the research groups and should, whenever possible, participate in them. The moment these students obtain their PhD degree, they can apply for (associated) membership, if they qualify, or the status of "interested person" (belangstellende).
Interested parties
The category of "interested party" (belangstellende) is for anyone who is not actively involved in the teaching or research programmes of OIKOS, but likes to remain informed about activities of the research school. These members pay no dues and can apply by sending an e-mail to the OIKOS office (they don't need to fill in the application form). They are able to attend OIKOS activities, but full members and associated members have precedence over interested parties.
Last modified: | 01 February 2023 09.58 a.m. |