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About us Faculty of Law Organization Departments Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Public Administration


Dorien Bakker - PhD student
Dorien Bakker - PhD student
Joachim Bekkering - Phd student
Joachim Bekkering - PhD student
Maarten Bouwmeester - PhD student
Maarten Bouwmeester - PhD student
Lolke Braaksma - Assistant Professor
Lolke Braaksma - Assistant Professor
Arjan Bregman - Professor of Construction Law by special appointment
Arjan Bregman - Professor of Construction Law by special appointment
Barbara Brink - Lecturer in Policy Studies
Barbara Brink - Lecturer in Policy Studies
Herman Bröring - Professor of Administrative Law
Herman Bröring - Professor of Administrative Law
Martha Buit - PhD student
Martha Buit - PhD student
Olha Cherednychenko - Professor of European Private Law and Comparative Law
Olha Cherednychenko - Professor of European Private Law and Comparative Law
Weiwei Deng - PhD student
Weiwei Deng - PhD student
Michiel Duchateau - Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Michiel Duchateau - Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Chèriëtte Eisema - Executive Secretary
Chèriëtte Eisema - Executive Secretary
M.W.F. Gelissen - Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law
M.W.F. Gelissen - Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law
Kars de Graaf - Professor of Public Law and Sustainability
Kars de Graaf - Professor of Public Law and Sustainability
Boris van Haastrecht - PhD student
Boris van Haastrecht - PhD student
Lucas Haitsma - PhD student
Lucas Haitsma - PhD student
Petra van der Hart-Zwart - PhD student
Petra van der Hart-Zwart - PhD student
Rianne Herregodts - Assistant Professor
Rianne Herregodts - Assistant Professor
Marc Hertogh - Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Marc Hertogh - Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Gerhard Hoogers - Senior Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Gerhard Hoogers - Senior Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Nicole Hoogstra - Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law
Nicole Hoogstra - Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law
B.J. Huiskes - External PhD student
B.J. Huiskes - External PhD student
Erin Jackson - Postdoctoral Researcher Empirical Legal Research
Erin Jackson - Postdoctoral Researcher Empirical Legal Research
Jan Jans - Professor of Administrative Law
Jan Jans - Professor of Administrative Law
Gohar Karapetian - Assistant Professor
Gohar Karapetian - Assistant Professor
Jacco Karens - PhD student
Jacco Karens - PhD student
Hati van Kleef-Ruigrok - Assistant Professor
Hati van Kleef-Ruigrok - Assistant Professor
Arend Koenes - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Arend Koenes - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Joep Koornstra - PhD student
Joep Koornstra - PhD student
Julia Laninga - PhD student
Julia Laninga - PhD student
Sebastiaan van Leunen - PhD student
Sebastiaan van Leunen - PhD student
Sam Maasbommel - PhD student
Sam Maasbommel - PhD student
Bert Marseille - Professor of Public Administration
Bert Marseille - Professor of Public Administration
M.P. Massawe - External PhD student
M.P. Massawe - External PhD student
Hannah Meijer - Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Hannah Meijer - Lecturer in Constitutional Law
Peter Mendelts - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Peter Mendelts - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Bert Middel - PhD student
Bert Middel - PhD student
Ina Middelkamp - Lecturer in Public Administration
Ina Middelkamp - Lecturer in Public Administration
Solke Munneke - Professor of Constitutional Law
Solke Munneke - Professor of Constitutional Law
Margarita Nieves Zárate - PhD student
Margarita Nieves Zárate - PhD student
H.B. Nijeboer - External PhD student
H.B. Nijeboer - External PhD student
Marilie Odding - PhD student
Marilie Odding - PhD student
Ko de Ridder - Professor of Comparative Public Management
Ko de Ridder - Professor of Comparative Public Management
Siti Ruhama Mardhatillah - PhD student
Siti Ruhama Mardhatillah - PhD student
Martijn Stuiver - PhD student
Martijn Stuiver - PhD student
Albertjan Tollenaar - Director of the Groningen Graduate School of Law
Albertjan Tollenaar - Director of the Groningen Graduate School of Law
Hanna Tolsma - Professor of Decision-making and Legal Protection in Environmental Law
Hanna Tolsma - Professor of Decision-making and Legal Protection in Environmental Law
Gerrit van der Veen - Professor of Environmental Law by special appointment
Gerrit van der Veen - Professor of Environmental Law by special appointment
I.D. Verkuil - External PhD student
I.D. Verkuil - External PhD student
Gerrit Voerman - Professor of Development and Functioning of the Dutch and European Party System
Gerrit Voerman - Professor of Development and Functioning of the Dutch and European Party System
Gijsbert Vonk - Professor of Social Security Law
Gijsbert Vonk - Professor of Social Security Law
Femke de Vries - Professor of Supervision by special appointment
Femke de Vries - Professor of Supervision by special appointment
Marnix Wallinga - External Researcher
Marnix Wallinga - External Researcher
T.A. Waterbolk - External PhD student
T.A. Waterbolk - External PhD student
Rob Wertheim - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Rob Wertheim - Lecturer in Administrative Law
Marc Wever - Assistant Professor
Marc Wever - Assistant Professor
Heinrich Winter - Professor of Public Administration
Heinrich Winter - Professor of Public Administration

Bakker, mr. D.E.+31 50 36 35674
Bambrough, E.J.+31 50 36 35674
Barreto de Almeida, C.Ph.D. Researcher - Human Rights and Digital Government
Bekkering, mr. C.V.J.+31 50 36 356741217.0484PhD Student
Bouwmeester, M., LLM MSc+31 6 3198 25861217.0469PhD candidate
Braaksma, mr. dr. L.S.+31 6 2529 20781217.475Assistant professor
Bregman, prof. dr. ir. A.G.+31 50 36 35674Professor by special appointment (Construction Law)
Brink, dr. B.+31 6 3198 25874 72Lecturer Policy studies
Broring, prof. mr. dr. H.E.+31 50 36 35708484professor administrative law
Buit, mr. M.E.+31 50 36 35674PhD researcher
Cherednychenko, O.O., Prof+31 50 36 35658Professor of European Private Law and Comparative Law
Deng, W., LLM+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Duchateau, mr. M.+31 50 36 35674486Lecturer constitutional law
Eisema, C.C.C.+31 50 36 35674
Gantchev, V.+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Gelissen, mr. M.W.F.+31 50 36 35674
Graaf, prof. mr. dr. K.J. de+31 50 36 35787488Professor of Public Law and Sustainability
Haastrecht, B. van, MA+31 50 36 35674
Haitsma, mr. L.M.+31 50 36 38696PhD Researcher - Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence
Hart-Zwart, mr. P. van der+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Herregodts, mr. dr. R.L.+31 6 3198 25910482Associate professor
Hertogh, prof. dr. M.L.M.+31 50 36 35674Professor of Law and Society
Hoogers, prof. mr. H.G.+31 50 36 35674201Senior lecturer constitutional law/honorary professor in comparative constitutional law, Carl von Ossietzky-University of Oldenburg (FRG).
Hoogstra, mr. N.G.+31 6 3198 25931217.475Lecturer Constitutional and Administrative law
Huiskes, B.J., LLM+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Jackson, E.E., LLM+31 50 36 35674
Jans, prof. mr. dr. J.H.+31 50 36 35674Professor of Administrative Law
Karapetian, mr. dr. G.+31 50 36 36812Assistant Professor
Karens, mr. J.J.+31 50 36 35674
Knop, B.PhD student
Koenes, drs. A.H.+31 50 36 35674
Koornstra, mr. dr. J.+31 50 36 35674Assistant professor constitutional and administrative law
Laninga, J.M.
Leunen, mr. drs. S.P. van+31 50 36 35674
Maasbommel, mr. dr. S.+31 50 36 35674Lecturer/researcher
Marseille, prof. mr. dr. A.T.+31 50 36 37106kamer 470Professor of Public Administration, in particular the Empirical Study of Administrative Law
Massawe, mr. M.P., MA+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Meijer, J.H., LLM+31 50 36 356741314.242Lecturer Constitutional Law
Mendelts, mr. dr. P.+31 50 36 35674teacher
Middel, drs. L.P.+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Middelkamp, mr. A.+31 50 36 347451217.0486Lecturer Public Administration
Munneke, prof. mr. dr. S.A.J.+31 50 36 35682professor of constitutional law
Nieves Zárate, M.T.+31 50 036 3457 3
Nijeboer, mr. H.B., LLM+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Odding, M.C., MSc+31 50 36 35674485PhD student
Ridder, prof. dr. J. de+31 50 36 356731314 213professor of comparative public management
Ruhama Mardhatillah, mr. S.+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Ruigrok, mr. dr. L.D.+31 50 36 35674477Universitair docent
Sicignano, I.
Stuiver, M.E., LLM MSc+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Tadema, B.R.12170486PhD student
Talitsch, S. C.
Tollenaar, prof. dr. mr. A.+31 50 36 353941217.0437Professor & Director GGSL
Tolsma, prof. dr. mr. H.D.+31 50 36 35674472Professor Decision-making and legal protection in Environmental Law
Veen, prof. mr. dr. G.A. van der+31 50 36 35674Professor by special appointment in Environmental Law
Ven, mr. D.C. van der+31 50 36 35674
Verkuil, I.D., M+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Vonk, prof. dr. G.J.+31 50 36 35765bouwdeel 1314, kamer 209Professor of social security law
Vries, prof. mr. dr. F. de+31 50 36 35674professor by special appointment in Supervision
Wallinga, M.W.+31 50 36 35674External Researcher / Member Groningen Centre for European Financial Services Law
Waterbolk, T.A., LLM+31 50 36 35674PhD student
Wertheim, mr. drs. R.S.+31 50 36 356741314.242Lecturer
Wever, mr. dr. M.+31 50 36 35674
Winter, prof. dr. H.B.+31 50 36 35694Professor Public Administration
Winter, P. de+31 6 3198 2600470Extern
Last modified:17 February 2025 09.51 a.m.
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