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About us Faculty of Law Research Centres of Expertise Security, Technology & e-Privacy Research Group

STeP Activities

Know your rights and obligations! The EU General Data Protection Regulation is here

Follow University of Groningen’s Massive Open Online Course and learn to understand the GDPR, available now!

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will become binding law. The GDPR aims to improve data protection across the EU and is the most significant change to data protection regulation in 20 years.

With most of our lives organised online and by using the latest technologies we rely on ICTs and use it in our daily lives to find, share and store information, communicate and conduct our businesses and organisations. The systems and services in the public and private sector keep our economies running. They handle applications for government agencies, process purchase orders, collect payments, etc. by feeding them personal information. As a consequence, personal data is collected and left everywhere, which makes it vulnerable. But are we aware of the risks involved? How do we protect personal data? Know your rights and obligations and comply with the new rules!

What is the GDPR about?

The new regulation provides more and stricter privacy rules, more responsibilities for organisations when handling personal data and stricter supervision on processing activities. These new standards imposed by the GDPR require a change in policies and practices. Organisations who fail to comply with the new rules may be faced with major consequences such as complex proceedings and heavy fines. The GDPR not only applies to organisations established in the EU, but also to organisations from third countries when processing data of EU citizens.

Understand the legislation and its impact in a unique online course

The University of Groningen has developed a unique online course in which they explain rights and obligations as regards processing personal data. The course gives the necessary insight on how to implement the GDPR in processing activities in order to comply with the GDPR.

Participants will learn the essentials of the GDPR in a course that will help to increase awareness and knowledge about the EU data protection landscape, enable participants to meet their obligations, and benefit from their rights to the fullest extent.

The course is developed for working professionals, public authorities and bodies, students, and anyone who wishes to know more about data protection and the GDPR.

Act now and prepare yourself and your business for the GDPR.

Sign up here !

STeP asks you to participate!

Unlock je smartphone met je vingerafdruk en vraag Siri om hulp met je stem! Maar wat zijn de implicaties? Heb jij een mening over het gebruik van deze technologieën door Politie en Justitie bij de opsporing van misdaad en terrorisme? Meld je nu aan en neem deel aan de discussie!

Vingerafdrukken, spraakherkenning en andere unieke lichaamskenmerken (biometrie) worden steeds vaker door politie en justitie gebruikt bij de opsporing van misdaad en terrorisme. Wil jij meepraten over het gebruik van biometrie, en meer in het bijzonder spraakherkenning, voor deze doeleinden? Laat dan van je horen en doe mee aan een onderzoek van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen!

Het onderzoeksteam zoekt vrijwilligers in verschillende leeftijdscategorieën – 18-29, 30-49 en 50+ – die aan één van drie focusgroepen deel kunnen nemen. Voor deelname is het niet nodig dat je iets van deze technologieën weet, of er mee in aanraking bent gekomen. De bijeenkomsten worden in de periode van 15 t/m 17 maart 2017 gehouden aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Harmoniecomplex, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 26) om 16:00 uur en nemen ongeveer 1 uur en 45 minuten in beslag. Als dank voor je bijdrage aan het onderzoek krijg je een vergoeding van €15 en eventuele gemaakte reiskosten kunnen worden vergoed (hier hebben we zowel je rekeninggegevens als bewijs van de door jou gemaakte reiskosten voor nodig). Tijdens de focusgroepen worden gratis een hapje en een drankje aangeboden.

Meedoen? Stuur een e-mail naar voorzien van je naam, telefoonnummer en leeftijd. Bedankt en tot ziens tijdens één van de discussies!


STeP will participate in the GIG-ARTS conference "Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue" that is to be held in Paris on 30-31 March 2017. Please find the preliminary programme here:

The GIG-ARTS (Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies) conference is a European annual multidisciplinary academic venue to present and discuss developments in Global Internet Governance (GIG) and their implications in and beyond this field of research. It is one of the outcomes of the GIG-ARTS project (

Internet Jurisdiction Symposium

STeP will be hosting the streaming of the

Internet Jurisdiction Symposium: National Law v. Global Online Communications - Re-negotiating Westphalia?

being held on 10 and 11 September 2014, Aberystwyth University -

The Host Streaming will be held in Faculty of Law meeting room, first floor Harmonie Building Room 120 (On the first floor take the double doors on your left next to the stairs. It is the door on your left in that small hallway leading to the C-Bar).

The Host Streaming will follow this programme with one important note: we follow Dutch time which is one hour ahead of Aberystwth, e.g. programme says 9.00a.m. - Dutch time = 10.00a.m.

For more information email: g.p.mifsud.bonnici

STeP is involved in the organisation of

Technology and crime: law, privacy and policy in the era of Big Data

Last modified:01 May 2024 2.00 p.m.