LLB Honours Program – the GCHL contributes guest lectures to the Honours courses Privatissimum 1 and Privatissimum 2 on human rights and various global health law topics such as equity and non-communicable diseases
Bachelor Course: Health and Technology Law- our Centre jointly teaches this course with the Security, Technology & e-Privacy Research Group; the course provides an introduction to global health law and technology law individually as well as their interface
More Healthy Years Minor (UMCG) – the GCHL contributes guest lectures in this minor introducing students to the role of international law, in particular, international human rights law in addressing non-communicable diseases
Age of Human Rights (UCG) – the GCHL contributes guest lectures to the course on various global health law topics
Student supervision- our Centre supervises various LLB, LLM and PhD projects and theses, as well as projects from other faculties including the AJSPH and the UMCG