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Over ons Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid Actueel Nieuws Nieuwsarchief

Jaap Waverijn to present legal research on energy and climate finance at 3 Minute PhD Competition

07 maart 2018
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This year the University of Groningen is organizing the first edition of the Three Minute Thesis competition. On March 14 2018, 12 selected PhD students will present their research in 3 minutes, with one slide, to a non-specialist audience and a panel of judges in an understandable, convincing and fascinating way. This concept was developed by the University of Queensland and is now held at universities all over the world. At the competition, a jury will award prizes for the top presentations, and the winners will have the opportunity to participate in the International Coimbra 3MT Competition.

Being the single PhD student of our faculty to pass the selection stage, the Faculty of Law is represented by Jaap Waverijn. In his research, he has identified pressing issues which hinder investments in the renewable (offshore) energy sector and focuses on the formulation of legal solutions. Through the years, Jaap has personally reached out and kept in touch with international practitioners and academics in order to ensure the practical validity of his research in this quickly developing sector.

The event will take place in the Groningen Forum on the 14 March 2018.

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:17 juli 2023 10:20
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