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Groningen students participated in successfull summer school in Washington D.C.

29 August 2018

From 22 August 2018 until 27 August 2018 students of the Groningen Honours College participated in a joined summer school on energy law issues. The summer school, which is jointly organized by the RUG and George Washington University, consists of a one week summer module in Washington, followed by a spring module in Groningen. The summer school is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with American law students and energy professionals. The theme of this years summer school was 'Energy Law & Climate Change: Synergies and Contradictions'.

Washington summer school

During their one week stay in Washington the students had to team up with their American peers and groups worked on four different topics: energy efficiency, electric vehicles, renewables and carbon tax v. carbon cap and trade. To provide the students with sufficient background to work out their joined projects, a series of lectures and site-visits in three American states had been arranged.

The students met, inter alia, representatives of sustainable energy utilities, the center for energy and climate solutions, Tesla, the Stella Group and Edison Electric Institute, and explored sustainability on the GWU campus. The visit was rounded off by a traditional American BBQ and presentations of the four groups to energy law professors of both universities.

The joined programme is running annually and the topic for 2019 as well as conditions for participation will be announced early 2019 on the webpage of the Honours College.

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:17 July 2023 10.18 a.m.
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