Dr. Ruven C Fleming started blog on energy and climate law
Dr. Ruven C Fleming, Assistant Professor at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law, launched a new weblog today, which may be accessed via energyandclimatelaw.blogspot.nl. Dr. Fleming explained: `the aim of this weblog is to provide everybody with an interest in the said fields with information about the latest developments. The blog makes knowledge accessible and comments on cutting-edge regulatory developments in energy and climate law, with a particular focus on the European Union and its Member States.`
But the blog is not only meant as a one-way source of information, as Dr. Fleming elucidated: `users are welcome to comment on particular posts and share their views. The idea is to create a much-needed source of information and to create a holistic insight into today`s energy and climate law challenges.` The blog will be updated on a regular basis and is now available for free at energyandclimatelaw.blogspot.nl
Last modified: | 20 June 2024 1.46 p.m. |
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