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EDGaR Conference ‘Enabling Sustainability with Gas’

31 maart 2015

On 18 and 19 March 2015, the Energy Delta Gas Research (EDGaR) conference ‘Enabling Sustainability with Gas’ was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The overarching theme of the conference was the role of gas as an enabler for sustainability in the undergoing energy transition. The conference encompassed various topics including: (changing) gas quality, future gas quality and infrastructure, gas as an energy system enabler, green gas production, the present and future of the gas market, changing gas and energy markets, smart grids for gas, and innovative perspectives on gas. There was a great variety of speakers in terms of research discipline, inter alia technical, economical, legal, as well as in terms of affiliation, inter alia network operators, advisory groups, energy companies, certification companies, universities, other research institutes. The speakers – amongst others Prof. Dr. Martha Roggenkamp - have presented highlights of their research conducted within the EDGaR program.

Many of the slideshows of the presentations can be accessed at the EDGaR webpage:

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:19 januari 2024 11:25
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