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About us Faculty of Law Research Centres of Expertise Groningen Centre for European Financial Services Law

Lunch meeting with dr. Esther van Schagen 'Impact Assessments in European (Financial Supervision) Private Law'

When:Th 26-04-2018 12:30 - 14:00
Where:Faculty of Law, Harmony Building, room 1311.120

The GCEFSL organises a lunch meeting on Thursday 26 April with Esther van Schagen (University of Utrecht). The topic of Esther's lecture is "Impact Assessments in European (Financial Supervision) Private Law". Impact assessments in European Private Law aim to encourage the European legislator to look into the possibilities of alternative regulation. "New governance" is often put forward as a manner of regulation that enables actors to better align initiatives and benefit from the significant expertise and organisational skills of non-state actors. So far, impact assessments in European private law do not appear to have resulted in many instances of self- and co-regulation, as opposed to, for example, the area of financial law, where the Lamfalussy regulatory approach, comitology, and guidance have been developed. This presentation compares impact assessments in "European financial supervision private law" with those in European private law. Do impact assessments in financial supervision private law demonstrate a different approach of the European Commission, and what can the European legislator learn from these assessments?   

Esther van Schagen is Assistant Professor International Private Law at the University of Utrecht. Prior to this, she was Newton Fellow at the Institute of European and Comparative Law in Oxford and postdoctoral fellow with the Endowed Chair for Law and Governance at the University of Groningen. She is researching the development of European Private Law and the role of impact assessment by the European Commission in this development.

If you are interested in attending the meeting, please register before by sending an e-mail to Marnix Wallinga.

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