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The EVICT project, led by Prof. Dr Michel Vols, investigates whether the right to housing protects people from eviction. Previous research has focused primarily on one housing law and one subdiscipline of law; as a result, similarities and differences between various rights and jurisdictions have been understudied, leaving emerging and diverging trends unclear.

The EVICT project examines and compares data on the different elements of the network of international and European laws that make up housing law. The project aims to explain whether and why this right influences national legal discourse and judicial decision-making in European jurisdictions. This is achieved by collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data on eviction jurisprudence. Traditional legal methods are combined with data science techniques, such as network analysis and machine learning, to find and explain predictors of judicial decisions.

Duration of the project

2021 - 2026

Awarded grant

1,500,000 euros, obtained from European Research Council Starting Grant

Contact person at our Faculty

Prof. mr. dr. M. (Michel) Vols

Websites with additional information

Last modified:08 July 2024 1.51 p.m.
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