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About us Faculty of Law Research Scholarships, prizes and subsidies Consortium Projects


The Dutch government has set an ambitious target to develop up to 75 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050 in order to combat climate change and increase energy security. However, such a rapid increase in offshore wind energy generation poses significant challenges for the transport system. To address these challenges, the DOSTA ('Developing Offshore Storage and Transport Alternatives') project is taking a multidisciplinary approach to investigate offshore energy storage options (such as electricity pumped storage and conversion to hydrogen) and alternative methods for transporting electricity and/or hydrogen to shore. The project assessed their feasibility for implementation in the Dutch part of the North Sea from a technical, economic, governance and legal perspective.

The legal research component of the project was carried out by Liv Malin Andreasson. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, the project integrates legal solutions with insights from other PhD researchers and industrial partners involved in the DOSTA project (a list of the industrial partners involved in the project can be found here). This collaborative effort ensures that legal solutions for large-scale offshore wind energy developments in the Dutch North Sea are informed by technical feasibility, economic viability and spatial considerations. By incorporating these different perspectives, the proposed legal solutions are tailored to the practical realities of the offshore energy sector.

Duration of the project

2020 - 2024

Awarded grant

1,129,708 euros (of which 300.102 euro for the UG), obtained from the NOW

Contact persons at our Faculty

Mr. L.M. (Malin) Andreasson
T. (Tamara) Hummel

Websites with additional information

Last modified:15 July 2024 3.44 p.m.
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