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About us Faculty of Law Research Scholarships, prizes and subsidies Consortium Projects


EUDIPLO is a Jean Monnet Network between the universities of Geneva ( Christine Kaddous ), Groningen ( Ramses Wessel ; coordinator), Leuven ( Jan Wouters ), and Pisa ( Sara Poli ). It is co-funded under Erasmus+ of the European Union. Associate partners are based in a number of EU neighbouring states, as well as in Africa, Asia, North America, Latin America and Oceania.

The Network focuses on this central question: What are the internal and external constraints and opportunities for the European Union to further its ambitions as an international diplomatic actor? In dealing with this question, the Network aims to generate a stronger awareness on, and contribute to deeper insights with regard to, the European Union's diplomatic activities throughout the world, in third States as well as at multilateral fora.

Funding was received by the European Union to organize a number of workshops, Summer Schools and lectures to study the role of the EU as an international diplomatic actor. The project has led to a number of new publications as well as a MOOC that is available for students and others interested in EU diplomacy.

Duration of the project

2020 - 2024

Awarded grant

300,000 euros (of which 90,000 euros for the UG), obtained from Jean Monnet Activities (ERASMUS+ Program)

Contact person at our Faculty

Prof. dr. R.A. (Ramses) Wessel

Websites with additional information

Last modified:09 July 2024 10.59 a.m.
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