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About us Faculty of Law Research Scholarships, prizes and subsidies Consortium Projects


The Ready4DC project, funded by the EU (HorizonEurope, Coordination and Support Action), worked on preparing the next steps toward a "multi-vendor, multi-terminal" HVDC network (a DC network suitable for long distances, created by several developers). This type of network can begin to be used in the North Sea to connect wind farms and establish connections between countries.

A legal and technical challenge is that one supplier's equipment is not currently interoperable with another supplier's equipment. In a network, it must eventually become interoperable, so that a network at sea can be gradually expanded, and different suppliers can contribute. From the legal side, it is important that the legal framework, both public and private, is appropriate to facilitate interoperability and thus encourage the development of large North Sea networks.

In Ready4DC, the focus was on identifying the technical and legal barriers, and exploring solutions. The implementation of those solutions is taking place in other projects, such as InterOpera and Inter-oPEn.

Two scientific papers are in the works for this project. The other results are as follows:

  • Various presentations and activities, such as a presentation at a conference (Cigre B4 Colloquium on HVDC Technology), and a webinar for transmission system operators

Duration of the project

2022 - 2023

Awarded grant

999,812 euros (of which 92,562 euros for the UG), obtained from Horizon Europe

Contact persons at our Faculty

Mr. C.T. (Ceciel) Nieuwenhout
Drs. A.M. (Alma) Erenstein

Websites with additional information

Last modified:10 July 2024 09.30 a.m.
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