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What I like about the European Law in a Global Context LLM

Date:08 February 2022
Cristiana Zamfir
Cristiana Zamfir

Choosing what LLM to follow after you have finished your LLB might be a challenging decision to take as there are many specializations to choose from. Here, I will address some of the  reasons as to why I think that following the European Law in a Global Context LLM was the best decision for myself, and what I enjoy presently about being a student in the programme.

Why did I choose to study this LLM?

I decided to study this particular LLM because I have found out during my Bachelors that I am really interested in European Law. I was fascinated by anything that had to do with the EU and how it functions. The European Law in a Global Context LLM here in Groningen appealed to me because of its reputation and the variety of the courses that it has to offer, more specifically it had courses that I found to be crucial for my future legal career such as Competition Law and Internal Market Law. Another reason for as to why I choose to study this LLM here in Groningen is because I knew the city and I was familiar with everything university related, such as how the exams go, the student portal,  the learning environment, and the professors.

What specifically do I enjoy about studying this LLM?

What I most enjoy about studying this LLM is that I have the opportunity to challenge myself. It is a great learning experience and I also get to write a lot, which I really like. The professors that are teaching are excellent at their job, which makes a very nice environment to learn in.

Which courses have I enjoyed the most so far? 

One of my favourite courses so far was the Seminar Interactions Legal Systems. We got to write an academic article for a Journal of our choice and a topic of our own as well. I found this course to be very mentally stimulating and pleasant to do work for. It was an interesting experience and I would happily do it again if I had the chance. A course that I am really looking forward is the Law & Economics of European Integration, I am convinced that I will truly enjoy this course.

What will I be writing my thesis on and how did I decide on this topic?

I will be writing my thesis on State aid in Competition Law. The thesis will be focused on airline companies that are receiving state aid from the EU Member States, more specifically national flag carriers. I decided to take on this topic because I am fascinated with airline companies and I wanted to research them even further in the light of competition law. I did a legal internship with an airline during my LLB studies, which gave me some initial insight into this sector.

Who would I suggest this LLM to?

I think that this LLM is suited for anyone that wants to grow themselves both as a person and as an academic. It does mean that this LLM will constitute a challenge, but then nothing is ever easy! This programme is for someone that truly is fascinated with European Law and wants to further explore this field. Furthermore, I would recommend this LLM to anyone who really has the passion to work in the field of EU law or even one of the EU institutions.

- Cristiana Zamfir, Romania, European Law in a Global Context LLM student


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