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Finishing my LLM programme in Groningen

Date:11 May 2023
Jessica Jaeschke (image courtesy of J. Jaeschke)
Jessica Jaeschke (image courtesy of J. Jaeschke)

The next steps after completing your degree, whether it is an LLB or an LLM, are always filled with anticipation, excitement, and uncertainty. Some of you may be looking at finding employment while others might decide to further their studies by staying in academia. Although it is very important to look towards the future it is also important to remember the last year or years that you have spent on your studies in order to see how far you have come and to recollect the experiences that you may have gathered. This is why I will be doing a bit of a reflection myself on what my year in Groningen has brought me and what I will be doing after my time here is done.

What are you planning to do after graduation?

My current plan is to start working as soon as I complete my degree in August. I want to take either a month or two though to travel before I start. I have not decided yet specifically which country I would like to settle in but because I am fluent in English, I would prefer to start working in a country where I will be able to work in English.

What have been your most memorable academic moments during your studies?

The most memorable academic moment that I have had this year was during my International Contracts Law class. Every week in this class, we were split into two groups and had to create a ten-minute presentation on a specific topic. The other group had the same topic but had to argue the opposite viewpoint on that specific topic. After our presentation the entire class was allowed to ask questions and we had a debate about which viewpoint we agreed with most. It was the most interactive class that we had, and the class environment was remarkable with everyone joining in.

What have been your most memorable "outside of the classroom" moments during your studies?

Personally, there have been too many memorable moments outsides of the classroom to count. Some moments that do stand out to me was celebrating 12 Pubs of Christmas, Saint Patrick’s Day, and King’s Day. All three of these events are celebrations which I have heard about but never had the privilege of participating in myself until this year. The festivities throughout the city were amazing. The city is filled with decorations and the pubs stay open until 06:00 o’clock the following day. Students roam around until the early hours of the morning, and you are bound to bump into lots of people that you know. Everyone is cheerful and friendly which makes you wish that you could experience days like these at least one more time.

What advice would you give to new law students beginning their studies this September?

My advice to any law students who will be starting their studies in September is that they should utilise everyone opportunity that is given to them. Groningen is a city that was created for its students. Your studies are very important and definitely do influence the career that you will have but creating memories with friends that you meet here is just as important. This city is filled with a diverse number of cultures and if you are willing to go out and meet some of the people who live here, you are bound to create bonds with people that will be with you for the rest of your life.

- Jessica Jaeschke, South Africa/Germany, International Commercial Law LLM student


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