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European Law in a Global Context students visit the Court of Justice of the European Union

Date:05 July 2024
Students at the CJEU
Students at the CJEU

Students in our LLM programme European Law in a Global Context recently visited the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Luxembourg on an excursion led by Associate Professor of Law Justin Lindeboom.

In addition to a tour through the Court’s buildings, students attended a hearing in a case before the Grand Chamber of the CJEU, and a presentation on the multilingualism at the Court (which employs hundreds of lawyer-linguists to translate court documents in all 24 official languages of the European Union). They also had lunch with Judge Sacha Prechal and meetings with Judges Steven Verschuur and Damjan Kukovec.

The CJEU, composed of the General Court and the Court of Justice, is the highest judicial authority in the European Union and is tasked to ensure the proper interpretation and uniformity of EU law throughout the Union. It deals with all areas of EU law, ranging from competition law, financial regulation and sustainability law to energy law, asylum and migration law and consumer protection law.

The LLM programme European Law in a Global Context provides an advanced knowledge and understanding of European Union law, also specifically taking into account the global context in which the EU operates and the global challenges which confront the EU.


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