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Deciding on which LLM to pursue after graduation

Date:06 April 2021
Cristiana Zamfir (image courtesy of C. Zamfir)
Cristiana Zamfir (image courtesy of C. Zamfir)

The end of my studies is vastly approaching, and as a number of other LLB students, I have been thinking about pursuing an LLM after my graduation. Throughout my choosing process, there have been many a twist and turn, but alas, I like to think that now that I have finally decided on what, & where I would like to pursue my LLM. Deciding on what, where, and even if you want to do an LLM post-bachelor is something that all students should be encouraged to think about to mould their futures.

Here are few questions below that LLB students might want to consider for themselves, along with my own answers to them showing my thoughts about the LLM decision process.

Will you be pursuing an LLM after you graduate the LLB? If yes, why?

Well, when I first started my studies I already had in mind that I want to pursue a masters degree. Of course, in the beginning I did not really have an idea of what kind of master I wanted to pursue, however now years have passed and I am now more than certain that I want to pursue a competition law LLM (or something that has to do with competition law). I want to specialise even more in this area and I want to learn from the best. Going into an LLM is one of the things I have been looking forward to for a long time. During my LLM studies, I also want to conduct further research and (maybe) even get published. I think that an LLM opens up new doors and opportunities for one’s career.

What factors do you consider when looking for an LLM programme?

There are many factors that I took into consideration when scouting a particular LLM programme. First of all, I am looking for a master programme which also encourages research and has a good structure of courses. Second, I want to purse a programme which fits my career prospects. Personally, I want to pursue the European Law in a Global Context LLM at the University of Groningen. It consists of all the courses that I find necessary in my overall preparedness for a European competition law career - and it is a unique programme that looks at European Law from different perspectives and at European law integration. This LLM is organized and taught by professors that I admire greatly and I already know, which is an another factor that helped me make up my mind.

How do you think an LLM fits into (or helps with) your career plans?

An LLM will almost certainly help improve my career prospects. Taking an LLM will make me stand out from the crowd and may offer me more international career opportunities by having a particular specialization. I would already consider my LLM as a starting point for my European Law focused career. Moreover, it can open doors for potentially pursuing a PhD, and maybe teaching or conducting research.

What advice would you give to others in deciding how to choose an LLM?

There are a few tips that I can give to anyone who decides to pursue an LLM. One thing is for sure: be 100% positive that you actually enjoy the subject you are about to pursue - analyse carefully the courses that you are about to take and ask yourself if those are the kind of courses you want to follow. Narrowing down your choices is an essential process, you need to first need to decide in which country you might want to continue your studies and then you can further narrow down the searches based on your interest (a specific area of law). Then you can look up which universities offer the programme that you are looking for and start applying.

For me, having an LLM undoubtedly strengthens your CV and will offer greater preparation for future jobs, as well as a more focused experience in one specific area of legal expertise.

- Cristiana Zamfir, Romania,
International and European Law student


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Tags: LLB, LLM