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A Podcast About Misuse of Devices from our Cybercrime Course

Date:02 November 2022

As an assignment for our Cybercrime course in the Governance and Law in Digital Society Master’s programme, we were tasked with creating a 15 minute podcast related to the regulation of a cybercrime. Students worked together and could choose between the topics of the regulation of misuse of devices, cybercrime-related fraud or forgery, or child pornography. Two of our students, Theresa and Fabi, created a podcast on the topic of misuse of devices, an offence enshrined in article 6 of the Cybercrime Convention. In the podcast they speak with each other and an expert on the topic of regulating the misuse of devices and how cybercrime regulation can clash with effective law enforcement action. Within this context they also dive deeper into the taking down of the EMOTET infrastructure, one of the most dangerous malware programmes that was used for several large scale botnet attacks.

Listen to the podcast episode here*.

*Please note the podcast has been created by LLM students and uploaded by them to an external media platform (Soundcloud). The views discussed within the podcast belong to the particpating students and do not necessarily represent any official views of the Faculty of Law or the University of Groningen.

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