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About us Faculty of Law Education Open Courses Law

Online course (MOOC)

The Faculty of Law offers a range of online law courses which can be taken free of charge.

Inleiding Nederlands Recht
Inleiding Nederlands Recht

Inleiding Nederlands Recht: [Introduction to Dutch Law]: this Dutch-taught course is particularly suitable for prospective students who would like to know more about law in order to decide whether to study it. It is also suitable for people without a legal background who would like to know more about how the law works in the Netherlands.

Understanding the GDPR
Understanding the GDPR

Understanding the GDPR: this English-taught course looks at the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took effect on 25 May 2018. The GDPR is the most important legislative amendment relating to data protection in the past 20 years.

Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age
Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age

Protecting Health Data in the Modern Age: this English-taught course looks at the risks associated, for example, with the use of activity trackers or apps to monitor your fitness and health, digital patient records and modern healthcare technologies. It also discusses how this data can and should be protected as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Last modified:14 March 2024 10.31 a.m.
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