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Marc Hertogh publiceert Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice

31 augustus 2022
Prof. Marc Hertogh

Hoogleraar Rechtssociologie Marc Hertogh publiceerde deze zomer, samen met Richard Kirkham, Robert Thomas en Joe Tomlinson, The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice ( (Oxford University Press). In dit boek presenteren vooraanstaande wetenschappers het laatste juridisch, theoretisch en empirisch onderzoek over ‘administrative justice’ (behoorlijk bestuur).

The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice examines the wide range of scholarship exploring the administrative decisions made by public authorities that affect individual citizens and the mechanisms available for the provision of redress. The Handbook identifies and provides a survey of key transnational themes in administrative justice research, considers theoretical and methodological approaches to administrative justice, and provides a view of the future of administrative justice research.

One aspect of administrative justice, namely the study of law and administration, is a core component of law school syllabuses and scholarly research around the world. For many public lawyers, this area of study has been focused heavily on legalistic redress systems (e.g. judicial review). Justice against administrations, however, is delivered through a much broader range of mechanisms than legalistic processes alone: fair initial decision-making procedures, internal review systems, ombuds, administrative tribunals/adjudication, and other institutions play a vital role.

Despite their importance to modern governance across the globe (and to the lives of individual citizens), these broader aspects of administrative justice have been left relatively neglected and under-researched, and the Handbook represents a groundbreaking achievement in establishing administrative justice research as a vital and discrete area of study. The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice will be an essential resource for legal scholars and social scientists wishing to understand the complexity of this important field.

Alle hoofdstukken zijn (voor studenten en medewerkers van de RUG) vrij toegankelijk via de UB. Lees hier alvast de Introductie. Het boek is verkrijgbaar als hardcover en als Ebook.

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:05 juli 2024 11:20
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