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VNAL subsidy for international expert meeting on forbearance and mortgage enforcement

25 October 2021
Dr. Irene Visser

The Association of Notaries in the Former District of Leeuwarden (VNAL) has awarded a subsidy of € 4.500 to Dr. Irene Visser for the organization of an international expert meeting on forbearance and mortgage enforcement, to be held on 13 and 14 January next year at the University of Groningen.

The VNAL, founded in 1845, is an association of notaries whose objectives include promoting notarial science and publications. VNAL provides annual subsidies for this purpose. The international expert meeting is organized by Irene Visser, assistant professor at the Department of Private Law and Notarial Law. Her research is carried out within the framework of the Sector Plan Rethinking Public Interests in Private Relations (REPP), led by Professor Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi.

The expert meeting aims to map the current state of affairs in the field of forbearance and mortgage enforcement with 12 experts from different countries. This topic has undergone major developments in recent years as a result of the financial crisis from 2008 to 2013, a growing influence of international human rights and a growing awareness that enforcement proceedings almost always lead to suboptimal results. To date, no in-depth comparative law research has been conducted into these developments and their consequences for (the prevention of) foreclosure auctions. The current Corona pandemic has also shown in various countries that the prevention of foreclosure auctions and a fair auction system are indispensable.

During the expert meeting, the various systems of on forbearance and mortgage enforcement and the most important challenges in this respect will be discussed. This will be followed by a book publication with country reports of the experts and an overall analysis of the current state of affairs. In doing so, the first international network of auction experts will be created. The VNAL subsidy will contribute to this meeting and the book publication.

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:01 November 2021 4.13 p.m.
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