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Marc Hertogh publiceert Research Handbook on the Ombudsman

03 december 2018
Prof. dr. Marc Hertogh

Hoogleraar Rechtssociologie Marc Hertogh publiceerde deze week, samen met Richard Kirkham (University of Sheffield), het Research Handbook on the Ombudsman (Edward Elgar Publishing). In dit boek presenteren vooraanstaande wetenschappers en ombudsman-professionals uit Europa, Canada, Azië, Afrika, Latijns-Amerika en Australië het laatste theoretisch en empirisch onderzoek over het instituut van de ombudsman.

Tekst van de achterflap:

The public sector ombudsman has become one of the most important administrative justice institutions in many countries around the world. This international and interdisciplinary Research Handbook brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss the state-of-the-art research on this increasingly prominent institution.

Handbook on the Ombudsman

Traditionally, research on the ombudsman has been conducted from a purely prescriptive or (legal) descriptive perspective, mainly focusing on the ombudsman ‘in the books’. By contrast, this book illustrates how empirical research may contribute to a better understanding of the ombudsman ‘in action’. It uses new empirical studies and competing theoretical explanations to critically examine important aspects of the ombudsman’s work. The Research Handbook is organized in to four parts: fundamentals of the ombudsman; the evolution of the ombudsman; evaluation of the ombudsman; and the ombudsman office and profession. Featuring case studies from Europe, Canada, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia, chapters provide a comprehensive global perspective on the issues at hand.

This unique Research Handbook will be of great value to researchers in the fields of public law, socio-legal studies and alternative dispute resolution who have an interest in the ombudsman. It will also be a valuable resource for policymakers and practitioners, particularly those working within ombudsman offices.

Lees hier alvast Hoofdstuk 1.

Het boek is verkrijgbaar als hardcover en als Ebook (met de mogelijkheid om individuele hoofdstukken te downloaden).

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:13 maart 2020 13:41

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