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Jean Monnet lecture Jonathan Faull: 'The Settlement with the United Kingdom’

04 May 2016

On 26 May, 16.00 hrs Professor Jonathan Faull will give a Jean Monnet lecture in the Van de Leeuwzaal, Academie Building in Groningen.

Prof. Jonathan Faull
Prof. Jonathan Faull

Jonathan Faull is a Director-General at the European Commission, entrusted with the special mission, on behalf of the President, to chair the "Task Force for Strategic Issues related to the UK Referendum".

Prior to taking up this appointment, he was for five years Director-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA), the current title for what was previously the DG Internal Market. He is also a former Director-General of Justice and Home Affairs (later Justice, Freedom and Security), and a former Spokesman and Director General of Press and Communication.

Professor Faull has had a long and distinguished career at the Commission, having served in many roles. He is the joint editor of Faull & Nickpay (eds.), EU Competition Law, published by Oxford University Press, and is the author of myriad articles on EU law. He is a Professor at the College of Europe, and an Emeritus Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he taught from 1989—2012. He is a member of the Editorial or Advisory Boards of inter alia the Common Market Law Review, European Business Law Review, and World Competition Review.

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:19 January 2024 08.49 a.m.

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