Summer School 'Renewable Energy & Networks – Comparative Law Perspectives'
The Groningen Centre of Energy Law and the RUG Honours College organised for the third time, in cooperation with the George Washington University Law, a summer school on energy law. Twelve students were selected to attend this summer school which took place in Groningen from 17 to 22 August 2014.
The aim of the summer school was to organise joint research focusing on renewable energy and networks from a comparative law perspectives. Teaching and subsequent research centers in particular on the regulation of offshore wind, smart grids, biogas and grid balancing and storage. In addition to classes the students visited EnTranCe, the renewable energy test centre; DNV GL, the project coordinator of the Smart City Hoogkerk; Enexis, and Attero, a bio methane production plant.
The students will continue with their research work until they meet again in May 2015 in Washington where they will finalize and present their research with the ultimate goal of achieving some publications.
Last modified: | 19 January 2024 12.23 p.m. |
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