Conference on the Context, Criteria and Consequences of Expropriation Law in Rome, 25-27 September 2014
The Groningen Centre for Law and Governance, in co-operation with the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (KNIR), will be hosting a Conference on the Context, Criteria and Consequences of Expropriation Law in Rome, Italy, from Thursday 25th until Saturday 27th September, 2014. The venue will be the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome (Via Omero 10/12, I-00197 Roma).
The success of the pilot gathering in Groningen spurred the initiative to arrange a follow-up meeting, to deal with some of the topics that could not be covered during the 2013 event, which focused exclusively on rethinking public purpose / public interest in expropriation law. The focus of the 2014 event is the Context, Criteria and Consequences of Expropriation Law.
Read more, see the programme and register at the conference web pages.
Last modified: | 19 January 2024 11.35 a.m. |
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