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Colloquium on the Public Purpose / Public Interest Requirement for Expropriation Law

26 September 2013

The Groningen Centre for Law and Governance, in co-operation with the University of Cape Town, will be hosting a colloquium on the Public Purpose/Interest requirement for Expropriation Law in Groningen, The Netherlands, from Thursday 26th until Saturday 28th September, 2013. The venue will be Het Kasteel (Melkweg 1, 9718 EP Groningen).

The aim of the colloquium is to facilitate a global discussion amongst a group of legal scholars as to shared issues in Expropriation Law pertaining to the Public Purpose/Interest requirement, and to identify ways in which these problems can be addressed, in the broader interest of promoting standards of good governance where legal development takes place.

The proceedings will be open to all interested parties. For more information and to register for the colloquium, please go to gcl/expropriation and fill in the registration form. The programme will be available from the end of June.

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:19 January 2024 12.51 p.m.

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