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15th annual Conference of the Legal Research Network: Law and socio-technical change

From:Th 07-09-2023
Until:Fr 08-09-2023
Where:Turku, Finland

The Faculty of Law of the University of Turku will organize this year’s LRN conference on 7 and 8 September in Turku, Finland.

The theme of the conference is 'Law and socio-technical change':

  • We are living in the midst of abrupt social and technological changes. Artificial intelligence, digital platforms and medical discoveries, just to name a few, all fundamentally affect the social structures of our daily lives. The new technologies disrupt established patterns of sociality, introduce new risks and opportunities, and force us to renegotiate key tenets of how we organize our societies.
  • The organization committee would be happy to receive papers focusing on what happens when law, technology and the social collide and that discuss encounters between, for example, artificial intelligence, social media, robotics, drugs and law.

More information is provided in the Call for Papers, the deadline for abstract submissions is 2 June.

Further information on event details (venue, travel and accommodation) will follow.

Please send an email to n.kleinenberg-scheurer when you plan to submit an abstract.

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