Guest Lecture Prof. Paolo Davide Farah: 'Trade and Non-Trade Concerns: The Case of China in the World Trading System'
When: | We 22-11-2017 17:15 - 18:15 |
Where: | Academy Building, Room A3 |

Professor Paolo Davide Farah (PhD, PhD, LL.M, J.D.) works at West Virginia University (WV, USA) and teaches climate change, trade, energy and environmental law and policy. He is an expert in the interaction among trade, economic globalization and non-trade concerns, such as sustainable development, energy, environment and human rights with a special focus on China and other Asian countries.
He acts as an Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Book Series “Transnational Law and Governance” for Routledge Publishing (UK); as Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Book Series of “Global Law and Sustainable Development” (in English) of Ashgate Publishing (UK).
He is recent editor of the volume: 'China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law.
He is also Principal Investigator (Honorary Position) of gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) and Principal Investigator at University Institute of European Studies (IUSE), Turin, Italy for the EU commission funded research projects POREEN (Europe-China Renewable Energies Project) and LIBEAC.