Workshop: International Climate Policy after Paris and Marrakech, Developments in China and Korea and its implications for the EU
When: | We 07-12-2016 09:00 - 13:00 |
Where: | Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa), Koningskade 4, The Hague |
The LETS Link Emissions Trading Systems Research Group, together with the Dutch Emissions Authority and the Korea Foundation organize a workshop on the recent developments in the international Climate Policy and how it affects the European Union.
Of key interest are of course the recent developments at the latest Conference of the Parties (COP21 and COP 22) and the developments in China and Korea. Undoubtedly we will also talk about the developments in the US. This workshop brings together practitioners, civil servants and academics to share their views.
Kindly register with Stefan Weishaar: s.e.weishaar
Herman Sips (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment)
Erik van Andel (Dutch Emissions Authority)
Eunjung Kim (Korean Legislative Research Institute, Sejong)
Jinhyo Kim (‘The ITC’, The International Trade Consulting, Seoul)
Fitstum Tiche (Groningen University)
Guoshun Sun (Embassy of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Xiaoping Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing)
Yinying Zeng (Groningen University)
Stefan Weishaar (Groningen University / MIT CEEPR)