Expert Roundtable Meeting: Climate change litigation after Urgenda I
When: | Th 31-03-2016 13:00 - 17:00 |
Where: | University College Groningen, Hoendiepskade 23/24 |

12.30h-13.00h Walk-in with coffee
13.00h-13.30h Introductions and presentation by mr Koos van der Berg (lawyer Urgenda: 'Why litigate the climate?'
13.30h-14.30h Panel Discussion 1: Human rights
14.30h-15.00h coffee break
15.00h-16.00h Panel Discussion 2: International and EU climate and environmental law
16.00h-17.00h Panel Discussion 3: The Role of Courts
17.00h-18.00h Drinks
Urgenda in comparative perspective
Role of human rights law in climate litigation
International and European climate law
Role of Courts and Judges
Speakers include
Prof. Marcel Brus (RUG, Chair)
Prof. Roel Schutgens (Nijmegen)
Prof. Gerrit van der Veen (RUG)
Elbert de Jong, post-doc (UU)
dr. Jerfi Uzman (LeidenUniv)
dr. Kai Purnhagen (Wageningen)
dr. Edwin Woerdman (RUG, tbc)
Ellen Gijselaar, PhD researcher (UU)
Ted Thurlings, PhD researcher (Nijmegen)
Suryapratim Roy, PhD researcher (RUG/GCEL)
Saskia Fikkers, PhD researcher (RUG)
Marlies Hesselman, PhD researcher (RUG)
Marlies Hesselman: m.m.e.hesselman
With support from Department of International Law, University College Groningen, Energy & Sustainability Programme, and the Green Office.