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University Peace Days, Day 1: Innovation in Peace

When:Th 10-09-2015 20:00 - 22:00
Where:Marie Loke Room, Ground Floor Harmonie building, University of Groningen, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26, Groningen
university peace days logo

The topic of this year is the 'Innovative Ideas about Peace and War'. To make these evenings even more interesting the topic will be defied into the topic Peace on the first Thursday and the topic War on the second. On those evenings selected speakers will be present on the state of the art of conflict and peace studies and their practical implications. These TED-like talks are followed by a plenary session in which the audience gets the opportunity to pose their own critical questions for the speakers.

Day 1: Innovation in Peace - Advances in Peace and Peace Research

Dr. Ulrich Mans, Director of the Peace Informatics Lab at the Centre for Innovation, Campus Den Haag, is the moderator of day 1. Dr. Mans is responsible for the development of new research approaches in the field of peace & security and sustainability. Major initiatives include the peace informatics lab and the new lynks visualization software for social networks.

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