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PhD Ceremony Suzan Sierksma-Agteres

When:Th 12-01-2023 at 16:15
Where:Academy Building RUG

PhD candidate Suzan Sierksma-Agteres wrote a thesis on Paul’s usage of the Greek word group pistis/pisteuō –often translated as ‘faith’/’believing’ in English –in light of the ancient discourses and the language use of his time. ‘Paul uses pistis language to describe the early Christian movement as a philosophical and reasonable kind of religion. Such usage is diametrically opposed to modern psychological and fideistic notions such as a “leap of faith” or “blind faith”’,' thus Suzan. On Thursday 12 January, she will defend her PhD thesis in order to obtain her doctoral degree in Theology at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies.

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