UG project Data Autonomy at PublicSpaces Conference 2023
On June 27 and 28, the third PublicSpaces conference focused on the realization of a collective Internet took place in Amsterdam. How do we build an internet that works for everyone? An online space that prioritizes our health, freedom, and livelihoods and is free from the control of Big Tech?
During this two-day conference numerous national and international speakers and visitors explored whether democracy can withstand BigTech and imagined what a fair market with alternative software and ethical infrastructure may look like.
UG’s project Data Autonomy
On behalf of the UG, Dr. Oskar Gstrein (Assistant Professor at the Department of Governance and Innovation at Campus Fryslân) gave a presentation on the university's data autonomy project. During his presentation, he addressed the question of how the university maintains control over its data and ensures that data from academic institutions is used correctly. The presentation of Oskar Gstrein can be viewed via the PublicSpaces site.
Data Autonomy Community and ambassadors
If you want to be kept informed about the data autonomy project, join the UG Data Autonomy Community or become an Ambassador for the project!
Laatst gewijzigd: | 04 oktober 2024 12:17 |
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